Well, darling, those numbers all have something in common - they are all palindromic! That means they read the same forwards and backwards. So, whether you're reading them left to right or right to left, those numbers stay sassy and symmetrical.
A palindrome reads the same backwards, 8.48 backwards is 84.8 as they are not the same is can not be a palindrome.
Opposite numbers.
Oh, what a lovely question! The numbers 121 and 242 have a special connection with the word "radar." When you write these numbers backward, they still read the same way, just like how "radar" is spelled the same forwards and backwards. It's like a little hidden message waiting to be discovered in numbers and words alike.
It is the exact same as it is forward and that is "wow".
A word that is the same spelled backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.
race car
Camac street
There are called "palindromes". Here is an example of one in a phrase: "A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama"
These words are called palindromes, like bob, nun, eve, sis .
Dad Pop Abba
Palindromes are words that are the same spelled backwards. There are also sentences and math formulas that have the same quality of being the same backwards and forwards. Words: RACECAR, EYE, NUN, ROTOR A famous sentence: Able was I ere I saw Elba
A palindrome ("back-run" ) can be read left to right and right to left with the same meaning. For example Madam, I'm Adam.
A number with the same last and middle numbers is called a palindrome. Palindromic numbers read the same forwards and backwards.