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plant growth, stocks, bank account balances, temperature...

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Q: What are real life example of rate of change?
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SWhat is an example of a real life nonlinear function?

a roller coaster. It doesnt have a constaant rate of change

What is a real life example of a rate?

An example of a real world rate is 45630.19106 debt per capita (person).

What are 3 real life examples of rate of change?

Velocity is the rate of change of position. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. How fast you spend money. How fast you do a certain job done, assuming it can be split into pieces. For example, wash dishes.

When would you use rate of change in real life?

Some examples: Your velocity is the rate of change of distance (even if you don't think of it in that way). Your acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Your pay rise is the rate of change of your pay (per year).

What is a real life example?

Real life is a real life example!

What is an example of a real life cubic function?

A real world example of a cubic function might be the change in volume of a cube or sphere, depending on the change in the dimensions of a side or radius, respectively.

What is a real life example of a cube?

a Television is a real life example of a Cube A dice is a real life example of a cube

A real life example of a octagon?

a real life example of an octagon is a stop sign.

What is a real life example of a linear pair?

Linear functions are used to model situations that show a constant rate of change between 2 variables. For example, the relation between feet and inches is always 12 inches/foot. so a linear function.What_is_a_real_life_example_of_bay

What is a real life example of a cliff?

A real life example of a cliff are the white cliffs of Dover.

What is a real life example of chlororplast?

A real life example is the chloroplasts found in plant cells.

What is a real life example of and isosceles triangle?

A pennant is a real life example of an isosceles triangle.