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Arithematic progressions or arthematic mean is a popular measure due to its simplicity in knowing the average performance of a set of performance data like say the average weight of a population or the average marks of a class etc. where as geomatric mean or sequences are the data where in one would like to know or capture the growth of the data set like say the growth in the returns of a mutual fund, equity shar or any other finvncail securities or a the performance of the company


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Q: What are some applications of arithmetic and geometric sequences in everyday life?
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How are arithmetic sequences used in everyday life?

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How does arithmetic fit into everyday life?

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We all use basic arithmetic (+ - / *) in everyday life, and reading powers and scientific notation is useful for things like programming and reading some national geographic magazines and what not. The Pythagorean theorem is useful for some things. But I don’t understand how quadratic equations, calculus, radical expressions, sequences/series, and imaginary and complex numbers are used in everyday life. What are some REAL, USEFUL applications of these things?

How arithmetic sequence used in everyday life?

used in building bricks for the house's wall :D

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A pattern that we do in everyday life is breathing, eating, drinking , moving , thinking , walking, running etc . We all do these things in our lives.

How mathematics use in your everyday life?

applications of mathematics in ECE

What is Hindu-Arabic numerals?

They are essentially precursors of the ten digits which we use today in everyday arithmetic.

When will you use math as an adult?

If you graduate and get a job that has nothing to do with math, then chances are you will never use it, other than the simple arithmetic of everyday life. However, if you get a job in the sciences, or anything financial in nature, you will be bound to use it everyday. Even more, you will NEED it everyday.

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industrial, scientific and medical