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All regular polygons (in order of sides starting with 3 sides): triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, hendecagon, dodecagon, tridecagon, tetradecagon, pentradecogon, hexadecagon, octadecagon, enneadecagon, icosagon (twenty sides).

2d shapes are shapes that can be drawn on a paper, like lines, triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, etc. Some of these shapes are called polygons, and there are countless numbers of them with their names based on the Greek word for the number of sides on each shape. All sides are exactly the same as each other on regular polygons; one or more sides are different from the other sides on irregular polygons. A few of the polygon names, with the name following the number of sides on the 2d shape are:

3 triangle

4 quadrilateral (a regular quadrilateral is a square)

5 pentagon

6 hexagon

10 decagon

12 dodecagon

20 Icosagon

90 enneacontagon

After about 10 sides mathematicians usually refer to polygons as n-gons; a 12 sided polygon (dodecagon) could also be called a 12-gon.

In addition to polygons, there are circles, ovals, parabolas, and many other shapes that do not have straight sides.

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Q: What are some names of 2d shapes and the number of sides for each?
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What are the names of shapes with more than 10 sides?

There is no specific name for such shapes.

What are all the 3d shapes in the world?

Some of the basic 3D shapes are:spherecubecuboidcylinderrectangular prismtriangular prismhexagonal prismconesquare-based pyramidtriangular-based pyramidhexagonal pyramidThere are an unlimited number of 3d shapes. These are called polyhedrons, and their names are from the Greek word for the quantity (number) of faces (sides) on each shape. All faces are exactly the same as each other on regular polyhedrons; one or more faces are different from the other faces on irregular polyhedrons. A few of the countless number of polyhedron names, with the name following the number of faces on the 3d shape are:4 tetrahedron (a regular tetrahedron is a pyramid with 3 sloping sides and a base)5 pentahedron (a regular pentahedron is a pyramid with 4 sloping sides and a base)6 hexahedron (a regular hexahedron is a cube, having 4 sides, a top, and a base)10 decahedron12 dodecahedron24 icositetrahedron90 enneacontahedron

Each tile on a floor has 5 sides and 5 angles. What shapes is each of tiles?


Two quadrilaterals that have two pairs of parallel sides each In addition all four of the sides are congruent in both shapes?

The two quadrilaterals are squares.

What is the formula of surface area of a polyhedron?

There is no standard formula since a polyhedron can have a number of different shapes. A hexahendron, for example, can be a cuboid (6 rectangular faces) or a triangular dipyramid (6 triangular faces) or others. The number of different shapes increases rapidly as the number of sides (which determines the name) increases. The only solution is to calculate the area of each face and add them together.

Related questions

What are the names of some shapes and how many sides does each have?

A square -- has 4 sides a triangle -- has 3 sides A pentagon -- has 5 sides A circle -- has one side

What are the names of shapes with more than 10 sides?

There is no specific name for such shapes.

Do all two dimensional shapes have the same number of sides and angles?

No. A triangle has 3 of each, whereas a square has 4 of each.

How many sides are there on each of these shapes hexagon?

An hexagon has 6 sides

What are all the 3d shapes in the world?

Some of the basic 3D shapes are:spherecubecuboidcylinderrectangular prismtriangular prismhexagonal prismconesquare-based pyramidtriangular-based pyramidhexagonal pyramidThere are an unlimited number of 3d shapes. These are called polyhedrons, and their names are from the Greek word for the quantity (number) of faces (sides) on each shape. All faces are exactly the same as each other on regular polyhedrons; one or more faces are different from the other faces on irregular polyhedrons. A few of the countless number of polyhedron names, with the name following the number of faces on the 3d shape are:4 tetrahedron (a regular tetrahedron is a pyramid with 3 sloping sides and a base)5 pentahedron (a regular pentahedron is a pyramid with 4 sloping sides and a base)6 hexahedron (a regular hexahedron is a cube, having 4 sides, a top, and a base)10 decahedron12 dodecahedron24 icositetrahedron90 enneacontahedron

Can you give me all the sides of each shape in a list?

No, because there are shapes with each number from 3 to infinitely many sides and it is not possible to produce an infinitely long list in the finite amount of time that the solar system has got.

Each tile on a floor has 5 sides and 5 angles. What shapes is each of tiles?


What are the names of all of the 3D shapes?

Just a few:CylinderCubeSphereCuboidConeTriangular pyramidSquare pyramidTriangular prismHexagonal prism

Can you show me some shapes and their names?

There are many different shapes of which each have a different name. Pictures of these shapes cannot be drawn here to answer the question, but the can be described. The most common shapes that are used are squares, circles, and triangles. Squares are a box like shape with four equal sides, a true circle is a perfectly round shape, and the most common triangle shape has along bottom and two shorter sides that come together to make a point.

What are two different shapes that each have 3 sides and 3 corners?

1 is the triangle

What two different shapes each have 3 sides and 3 corners?


How many sides do the shapes have on 40x escape?

On level 13 of 40x Escape, there are three shapes: a square, a pentagon inside the square, and a triangle inside the pentagon. The number of sides of each is 4, 5, and 3, going from outside to inside. Click the buttons to make them 4-5-3.