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tables, diagrams, bar graphs, forms, maps

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Q: What are some nonrepresentational graphs?
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What are nonrepresentational graphics?

The following graphics are nonrepresentational: tables, forms, bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs and instrument gauges.

What types of graphics are nonrepresentational?

Nonrepresentational graphics include: tables, forms, bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs and instrument gauges.

What are 5 types of nonrepresentational graphics?

Nonrepresentational graphics include: tables, forms, bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs and instrument gauges.

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What type of graphs are nonrepresentational?

well then first one is called a fishy elephant it starts by looking at pie r 2 with the theory of evalution and your dogs legs being run over by a man in a car about to commit suiside then realising he has no car and is in a lions face.

What is the difference between a representational and nonrepresentational graphic?

You can't move information in a representational graphic without changing it's meaning. You can move info in a nonrepresentational graphic.

What does nonrepresentational mean?

Nonrepresentational art is also called non-figurative or abstract. It means a picture which does not depict anything, only shape and color. Click link for some examples! Representational (figurative) art depicts something (person, thing, landscape, etc).

Kandinsky thought of nonrepresentational art as comparable to what?


What are five types of nonrepresentational graphs?

well then first one is called a fishy elephant it starts by looking at pie r 2 with the theory of evalution and your dogs legs being run over by a man in a car about to commit suiside then realising he has no car and is in a lions face.

Do graphs show you patterns over time?

Some graphs do, but some don't. It depends upon the variables.

Who is the Dutch painter known for his or her nonrepresentational work?

Piet Mondrian!