A rectangle, a rhombus, a kite, a trapezoid and a parallelogram are all examples of quadrilaterals which are not square.
Here are the quadrilaterals you are expected to know about.SquareRhombusRectangleParallelogramTrapeziumKite
Quadrilaterals, Parallelogram,
There is only one regular quadrilateral, the square. A regular polygon must have equal sides and equal angles, and in the case of quadrilaterals that is a square.
Square, rectangle, rhombus and a trapezoid.
Here are the quadrilaterals you are expected to know about.SquareRhombusRectangleParallelogramTrapeziumKite
A rhombus is not a square but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals
square, rombus, sometime parralallagram
All squares are quadrilaterals. All quadrilaterals are not squares. There is no square that is not a quadrilateral.
Yes. If a polygon has 4 sides, then it is a quadrilateral.
I believe that quadrilaterals are shapes with 4 sides. Such as a rectangle or a square.
square and a pentagon
Only a square.
There are no such shapes because all squares are quadrilaterals - by definition.