*direct proportion - As one values increases, so does the other.
*indirect proportion - As one values increases, the other decreases.
*partitive proportion - involves identifying parts of a whole based on a given ratio of these parts.
1. Direct Proportion As one value increases, so does the other. 2. Indirect Proportion As one value increases, the other decreases. 3. Partitive Proportion A proportion describing the total amount being distributed into two or more unequal parts. Miwa D. Oguro
What are some names of different kinds of Math problems
If you cross-multiply and you obtain an equality, then the proportion is true. Example: 2/3 = 20/30 ? cross-multiply; 2 x 30 = 3 x 20 ? 60 = 60 Since we have an equality, the proportion is true.
Proportion (i think...)
directindirectand..inverse??..(not sure..)
the three kinds of proportions are indirect proportion, direct proportion and thepartitive proportion
Direct, Indirect and Partitive.
1. Direct Proportion As one value increases, so does the other. 2. Indirect Proportion As one value increases, the other decreases. 3. Partitive Proportion A proportion describing the total amount being distributed into two or more unequal parts. Miwa D. Oguro
Direct proportion-is inicated when an increase in one another causes a corresponding increase in the other.Indirect proprtion-is indicated when two quantities are related so that an increase in one causes a corresponding to increase in the other. vice versa.
direct indirect .....??
There Are 3
the 3 kinds of muscels are smooth,skeletal,heart muscels
3 different factors for 72
3*6 = 18 types of sandwiches
the different kinds of card catalogues are 1. Title card 2. Subject card 3. Author card