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carelessness. sloppy work. miscomputations. PAY ATTENTION!

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Q: What are the Costly mistakes that students often do in maths?
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Students often have the view that they can't make any mistakes in art. This is a false concept . I always tell my students that there are no mistakes in art. When we look at great art the artist doesn't stand next to us and tell us what they did wrong. Instead we look at the work and see beauty. Once a student realizes that there are no mistakes they are free to create without worry and the expectation of perfection.

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They're the products of fertile young minds, often college students. Please don't indulge yourself though, it's very costly to the farmer (victim).

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How often a graph repeats itself; this is used often in trigonometry.

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It can be more than one part of speech. My mistakes are legion. (= noun) He often mistakes me for someone else. (=verb)

What is the complusory education in Ireland?

Maths, Irish and English are the compulsory subjects in school. Students are expected to attend from when they start school at 4 years of age, until their main education finishes with the Leaving Certificate exam, at the age of about 17 or 18. Students often then go on to third level education.

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Students often do not make the best choices about what is best for them nutritionally, so schools have the right to fulfill that role, no matter the cost.

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It is particularly useful if you are to study physics, however biology does not need advanced maths often.

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Studying hard and revising often

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You can reduce your spelling mistakes by reading books more often and watching some learning shows

What English should you take in vce?

It really depends on what sort of student you are; strong analytical English students often choose Literature whilst more maths/science/lote orientated students take English language as it is a technical approach to the language. The majority of students take mainstream English which has Areas Of Study (AOS) based on a context response, a text response and language analysis.

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I believe it's Harrison Ford, but it changes often