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Reece Hermann

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4y ago
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12y ago

I don't have any way to see the questions, so I can't figure out the answers. But

I have to tell you that if I had the questions, probably the meanest thing I could

do to you would be to give you the answers, and I would not do it.

Also, your decision to cheat is bad enough. Asking other people to help you do it

really stinks.

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Q: What are the answers to practice 3-5parallel lines and triangles?
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Which do you use when parallel lines form similar triangles?

Triangles do not have parallel lines but as right angles triangles they do have perpendicular lines that meet at 90 degrees.

Do triangles have lines of symmetry?

no they do not they have to be equal so that proves there is NO lines of symmetry * * * * * It depends on the triangle. Equilateral triangles have 3 lines of symmetry, Isosceles triangles have 1 and all other triangles have none.

Why can't triangles have parallel lines?

triangles simply does not have them. The lines in a triangle conects after a path that does not produce paralel lines.

Do all triangles have three lines of symmetry?

no, only equilateral triangles have 3 lines of symmetry

Do triangles and squares have parallel lines?

Squares do, triangles don't.

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If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

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Triangles never have parallel lines

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Triangles never have parallel lines

McDougal Littell Geometry practice workbook answers?

if two lines intersect then their intersection is exacrtly one point

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How do you draw eight triangles with 6 lines?

6 straight lines drawn inside of an octagon will divide the octagon into 8 triangles

Does a triangle have any lines of symetry?

Scalene triangles have none. Isosceles triangles have one, and equilateral triangles have three.