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Police, Quadratics, Action! If you know the initial speed of car, how far you are travelling and what your acceleration is, there is a special formula that lets you find out how long the journey will take. This formula is a quadratic with time as its unknown quadratic quantity. The police use this equation - along with many other quadratic and non-quadratic equations - when they attend a road traffic accident (RTA). They do this to find out if the driver was breaking the speed limit or driving without due care and attention. They can discover how fast the car was going at the time the driver started braking and how long they were braking for before they had the accident. This is done by finding the road's coefficient of friction and by measuring the length of the skid marks of the vehicles involved. Once they have this information they turn to Mathematics and the trusted quadratic equation. Einstein's Famous Quadratic The most famous equation in the world is technically quadratic. Einstein discovered the formula: Where E is the Energy of an object, m is its mass and c is the speed of light. This formula relates mass and energy and came from Einstein's work on Special and General Relativity. However, in practice it is not solved as a quadratic equation as we know the value of the speed of light. For more information on Einstein and his Theory of Special Relativity see the links at the bottom of the page. There are many more uses for quadratic equations. For more information please see the links to "101 Uses of a Quadratic Equation" at the bottom of the page.

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Q: What are the applications of quadratic equations in every day life?
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When will you apply surds in real life?

You will apply them when solving quadratic equations in which the quadratic expression cannot be factorised.

How do quadratic equations help us in your daily life?

Quadratic equations doesn't help you in life specifically. It just combines a bunch of different math properties. It helps to focus your brain, gain concentration and intellect.

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You'll find "real-life applications" of the quadratic equation mainly in engineering applications, not in sustainable development.

Give some examples where Quadratic equations is used in daily life?

Quadratic equations can be used in solving problems where the formula is given, falling object problems and problems involving geometric shapes.All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

How would you use simplifying quadratic equations in real life?

Engineers and mathematicians apply the simplifying of all manner of equations every day in the course of their work. Scientists in several fields may be required to do the same in the course of a particular project or problem.

Can you give me an example of a real life situation involving quadratic functions?

Quadratic functions will be used in chemistry in real life. Quadratic equations are used to solve equilibrium problems and determine the amount of reactants in a mixture that will react and the concentrations of products that will be form.

Do you have any other examples of real life applications of quadratic formulas?

you need it in carpentry

What are the pros and cons of the quadratic equation?

Pros: There are many real life situations in which the relationship between two variables is quadratic rather than linear. So to solve these situations quadratic equations are necessary. There is a simple equation to solve any quadratic equation. Cons: Pupils who are still studying basic mathematics will not be told how to solve quadratic equations in some circumstances - when the solutions lie in the Complex field.

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Cell phone companies

Can you give some examples of real life application of a quadratic equations?

Yes, they commonly appear in free-fall problems.

Real life examples where quadratic equations are used?

Calculating the path of an object when acted on by a continual force (like a ball thrown where there is gravity)

When do you ever need to use the quadratic formula in life?

Nearly every day on Wikianswers!