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Why would you want to cheat for that? How sad can you get.

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Q: What are the cheats for world math day?
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World Math Day cheats?

There are no cheats. You have to do the math yourself. use a calculator!

Is there world maths day 2010 cheats?

Probably are. Many of the losers and the down-and-outers will be looking for them. If they put as much work into their math homework as they do looking for cheats, they could have done it the old fashioned way.

How do you change your age in world math day?

how to change your age and world math day

Are there any cheats to world maths day?


When does registration for world math day open?

Registration has already closed for the 2009 World Math Day.

What are some cheats for world maths day?


Are there any world maths day cheats?

No, there are no world maths day cheats but if anyone apart from me tells you there is then don't believe them because they don't work. Only I know if there is any because I am the one that organises world maths day!

Cheats for world maths day 2010?

hahhahha u went to the wrong site and there is no cheats! :P

How do you get ribbons in world math day?

you cant

Any cheats for world maths day?

there are like two but i am not sure of them

When does world maths day begin?

In 2013, World Math Day is [tomorrow] March 6th .

Are there Easy cheats for first in math?

No, none.