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Q: What are the diagonal lines called that converge at the vanishing point?
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What is the point where two or more parallel receding lines seem to converge?

A Vanishing Point

What are the diagonal lines that lead to the vanishing point in linear perspective?

The stretch marks on your back.

What is A single point on the horizon line to which all lines parallel to the viewer and perpendicular to the horizon line converge?

It is called the "vanishing point". Your question is about the usefulness of vanishing points when drawing horizontal lines in a painting, and the vertical features of whatever you are painting. It's something you learn in Art lessons.

Where water meets the sky?

line where the water ends and the sky begins. Vanishing points, where two parallel lines appear to converge.

What is the diagonal lines used in linear perspective that indicate where an object decreases in size?

vanishing line is not the right answer (sorry) The Correct Answer is orthogonal lines (JHappy321) Hope It Helped :D

Why wre latitudes otherwise called as parallels?

Because unlike lines of longitude which converge on the poles, lines of latitude are parallel to each other: that is, they never converge.

What is a vanishing point?

The Vanishing Point is a point in a drawing where parallel lines appear to converge. There are different perspective techniques used for drawing a vanishing point. A vanishing point can also be a point in the distance where the edges of a road appear to converge, making the road look as if it disappears.

What is the point at which orthogonal lines disappear in linear perspective?

This is called the "vanishing point".

What is the lines of perspective in a visual arts piece meet called?

the vanishing point

Is it true that the lines of latitude called meridians never touch?

No, this statement is false. Meridians are lines of longitude that converge at the poles, meaning they touch at the poles. Lines of latitude, however, like the equator, never intersect and are always parallel to each other.

What are the perspective lines of art?

Receding lines converge into vanishing points. If you stared at railroad tracks leading away from you, as they approached the horizon, they'd appear to meet. They disappear/converge into the vanishing point.

Parallel lines which come together at a vanishing point are called?

An illusion. Parallel lines, by their nature can never come together.