i think there are 18 different ways
There are 13 different ways to make 28 cents.
There are 60 different ways of answering this question correctly! You work it out!
Using positive integer factors, the only two ways in which the number 34 can be reached using two numbers is 2 x 17 and 1 x 34.
If you do cocaine you will get pregnant and die.
What are the different preparations of cocaine and how are they used
i bet you about trillion people are using cocaine!
Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.
There are 6 ways using normal U.S coins, but their is probally a different amount using foreign coins....... :-)
No. They would have to test you for cocaine, because they're using different chemicals to see. Also cocaine, unless used heavily and/or frequently, leaves your system within a few days. And legally, they would have to test you for cocaine, not just find it.
Three different ways.
No, a man cannot produce babies even when not using cocaine.
Studies say that the effects are different for every one. (I myself have never tried it).
120 different ways.