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It really depends on the type and brand of a baby changing table you want. There are changing tables that are bigger but most of the changing tables have measurement of 38"L x 20"W x 38"H. This is the standard and simple baby changing table but you can find others with bigger or smaller measurements.

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Baby Changing Table?

form_title= Baby Changing Table form_header= Install a baby changing table at your workplace today! Where will the baby changing table be located?* = _ Are you interested in fold down or free standing models?* = () Fold Down () Stand Alone () Not Sure How many baby changing tables will you need?* = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, More than 10}

What is expected in a public baby changing room?

a Baby changing table and a sink.

Where can I buy a baby changing table.?

The best place to purchase a quality baby changing table is at This website has many options for baby products.

What is some advice when it comes to changing a baby?

There are many various tips for when changing a baby. One great piece of advice is to never leave the baby unattended on the changing table. Even newborns can roll off the table and hurt themselves.

Which one is the changing table in sims 2?

Go to miscellaneous, then the picture of a teddy bear. and there is one that says baby changing table.

What is expected in a baby changing room?

A table on which you can change the baby on is the main thing in a baby changing room. The second thing would probably be a cot of some sort.

Where can one purchase a table for changing the diaper of one's baby?

A table for changing the diaper of one's baby can be purchased from almost any furniture or other major retailer. Walmart has a great supple of tables to choose from.

Where is the changing table on sims 3?

There is no changing table. You simply click on your baby or toddler and click "Change Diaper" or "Change Dirty Diaper". Happy simming.

What age should I quit using my changing table Are they sturdy?

A baby changing table is an excellent item to have in a baby's room. They are safe to use when you follow the manufacturers suggestions and stay close by, always being attentive to the baby. You should always use the safety strap. The standard size for baby changing tables is 17 inches by 35 inches.

What is the best configuration on a changing table to keep the baby from falling?

Look for one that cradles the baby and has a rim or rails.

Where can I purchase a baby changing table?

There is a laundry list of websites you can find baby changing tables at, but a few very good ones are:,, and and

What would one put in a changing table organizer?

You would put some baby wipes, nappies, plastic nappy bags, health essentials such as ointments and creams like nappy rash creams, baby powder and vasaline. All of these are great items to put into your changing table organizer as they are essential for when the changing table is being used.