When we spend money we calculate things in dollars and cents. Dollars being the whole numbers and the cents being the fractional part after the decimal. Example: If I buy a candy bar for $1.53 and I pay $2.00 then my change is $0.47. This is something we do in our every day lives.
No. Most can - simply by writing the decimal above ten to the power of however many decimal places there are. 0.3456789 can be written as 3456789/10000000 But some decimals are endless - such as pi. That cannot be written as a fraction.
In most countries, you will use them when you handle money, as in $2.50. Quantities on products are also sometimes expressed in decimals, e.g. "1.5 kilograms" or "2.2 liters".
"Most common" is the one that is most common.
The most common fraction is 1\2
Milk is the most common weak base.
The common decimals could be the familiar numbers we see most often such as 0.1, 0.5, 0.2 etc.
decimals are most commonly seen in money.
it lives in alabama
in trees outside
The most common seahorse is the Hippocampus Guttulatus. It lives in the Mediterranean Sea and areas of the Atlantic Ocean.
Decimals in Spain (and in most European countries) are written with commas.
Most people do not use it in their daily lives.
Australia is the only country in which the koala lives. It is not found in any other country or continent.
Three of the most common Australian animals are the kangaroo, the koala and the platypus.
Swallower Eels and Gulper Eels are the most common
There are no common names...every different name is unique! :)
Home plate because every batter starts there... What are you even asking? How can a base be most common?