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The reactants for 6 CHO plus 6 CO plus 60 equals 22. This is a math problem.

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Q: What are the reactants in 6CHO plus 6CO- CHO plus 6O?
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anh chi (leader) doi (promontory; headland) em (I or me, Younger brother/sister, small) cho (To give)

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0.006 is the answer are you from Mr. DongWoo Cho's class?

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How do you have magic powers in 5 minutes?

it's simple just say this chant 10 times! (beware this is magic that you can't reverse so if you decide you don't want them it's to bad) the spell mightr not make sense but it doesent matter if you can't read it just sound it out. magic of the darkest land, posses me and give power and, live inside my soul forever, there for you shall never tether, hence the light and all the dark, love and lust to fettish hart, hutreneky (hut-ren-es-y) yuidwerthy (you-id-worthy) gortyincholic (gor-ti-in-cho-lick) now you should be able to: make your body glow with the most amazing light (your choice of colour) shoot fire leaves vines water and glittery light from your hands turn invisable fly without wings make people do what you want them to and maybe more i have not figured any more out yet!!!!!

What rhmyes with mo?

au, aux, beau, beaux, bleau, blow, blowe, bo, boe, boeh, bow, bowe, breau, breault, breaux, bro, broe, browe, chau, cho, choe, cloe, clow, co, co., coe, cro, crow, crowe, dau, doe, doh, dough, eau, eaux, flo, floe, flow, flowe, foe, fro, froh, gau, glo, gloe, glow, go, goe, gogh, goh, gro, groh, grow, growe, ho, hoe, hoh, jo, joe, joh, know, ko, koh, krogh, kroh, krowe, kyo, lo, loe, loh, low, lowe, luo, m'bow, mau, meaux, moe, mow, nau, neault, ngo, no, noe, noh, o, o', o., oh, ow, owe, plough, po, poe, poh, pro, queau, quo, reaux, rheault, rho, ro, roe, roh, rohe, row, rowe, schau, sew, sgro, show, sloe, slow, snow, snowe, so, sow, stow, stowe, stroh, strow, tho, though, throw, toe, tow, towe, trow, tso, vo, whoa, wo, woe, wroe, yau, yo, yoe, yoh, zohand so much more (it took me an hour to type these)