There are 10 square numbers
36,64,100,144,196 are the even square numbers between1-200
The square root of 60 is a single number; you can't have other numbers "between" it. It does work the other way, though - the square root of 60 is between other numbers.
The square root of 75 lies between 8 and 9.
what are the even square numbers between 10 and 70
The square numbers between 1 and 20 are 1,4,9 and 16.
There are 10 square numbers
Numbers between square root of 33 and what else? The question is incomplete.
36,64,100,144,196 are the even square numbers between1-200
There are 2*13 = 26 natural numbers between them.
All whole numbers between 1 and 400 (=20 square).
4, 9, 16, 25, and 36 are the square numbers between 1 and 40.
There are 16 square numbers between 1 and 300: 2 to 17 inclusive. There is no square root of these numbers: only of their sum or product or average or some other operation.
The square root of 60 is a single number; you can't have other numbers "between" it. It does work the other way, though - the square root of 60 is between other numbers.