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steps rounding off number

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Q: What are the steps in rounding off numbers?
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Related questions

What is better rounding off to nearest ten or rounding off to nearest hundred?

In whole numbers, rounding to the nearest ten is better. And in decimals, rounding to the nearest hundreth is more accurate.

Why is rounding off numbers important?

Rounding off is a important part of mathematics and a very handy tool for everyday life.

How you would estimate the product of greater numbers?

By rounding off.

What are the steps for rounding whole numbers?

jhg jh jhg kjhg jhgujkhfguygnby fvjkhvgutyfgjfvutyf kjhg

How does making small groups help estimate big numbers?

by rounding off the numbers

What are the ideas where you can use rounding off numbers in real life?

your weight

What number do you get when rounding off the numbers 39117?

The answer will depend on the degree of rounding. To the nearest ten, it is 39120 To the nearest million, it is 0.

What is the purpose of rounding numbers?

the purpose of rounding numbers is that you can get closer to the actual answer

How are you rounding whole numbers and decimals?

rounding whole numbers and decimals

Which is better rounding off to nearest ten or rounding off to nearest hundred?

There is no universal "better". Rounding off is a trade-off between reducing the accuracy and simplifying calculations. Also, if there are other numbers in an addition that are rounded to the nearest hundred, there is no point in rounding your number to the nearest ten.

What is the round off greatest value of 21987?

Rounding to different numbers of significant figures, the greatest result is 22,000.21 987 round off theto its greatest value what is answer.

What is a rounding off numbers?

Rounding a numerical value means replacing it by another value that is approximately equal but has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation.