Step 1: List all the factors.
Step 2: Choose the largest odd number.
An easy way to find the greatest commmon factor of two odd numbers would be to try dividing them by eachother.
4664 = 23*11*53. The greatest odd factor is 11*53 = 583. All I did was take out all the twos. The same thing is accomplished if you grab a calculator, punch in 4664 and divide by 2 until you get an odd number.
That depends what numbers. If you mean ALL even and odd numbers, the only common factor or divisor is 1.
The largest odd factor of 2011 is 2011.
Of course not. In fact, the greatest common factor of two odd numbers is never 2.-- 2 is never a factor of any odd number.-- The greatest common factor of the odd numbers 651 and 1,085 is 217.
2112 = 2*2*2*2*2*2*3*11 Thus the greatest odd factor is 33.
The number will vary, but it will always be odd.
No, always odd.
An easy way to find the greatest commmon factor of two odd numbers would be to try dividing them by eachother.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To find the greatest odd factor of a number, you simply need to look for the largest odd number that can divide it evenly. Start by finding all the factors of the number, then pick the largest odd number from that list. Just remember, there are no mistakes, only happy little accidents in math!
No. Odd numbers only have odd factors. They could not have an even factor in common.