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Here is one pair:

{1, 2, 3, 6, 7} and {1, 2, 5, 6, 7}

The fact that the range and interquartile range are the same fixes the relative positions four points in each set - all but the median.

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Q: What are the two data sets of 5 values which have the same range and interquartile range but the first set is symmetrical and the other set is skewed left?
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What is the name for the difference between the third quartile and first quartile in a five number summary?

interquartile range or IQR

What does the box represent in a box and whisker plot?

The box represents your Q1, Q2 (median) and Q3, so it is your interquartile range. The Q1 is the first box line, the Q2 is the middle one and the Q3 is the closing line. Your interquartile range basically tells you where 50% of the people are.

Which is the first quadrant in a coordinate grid?

The top right one... it is the first because it is where both the x-value and y-values are positive. The second quadrant is the top left. The x-values are negative and the y-values are postive. The third quadrant is the bottom left. The x-values are negative and the y-values are negative. The fourth quadrant is the bottom right. The x-values are positive and the y-values are negative.

How can you find the interquartile in a stem and leaf plot?

The range is the difference between the maximum score and the minimum score. Let's look at an example. [Figure2] The smallest number in the stem-and-leaf plot is 22. You can see that by looking at the first stem and the first leaf. The greatest number is the last stem and the last leaf on the chart. In this case, the largest number is 55. To find the range, subtract the smallest number from the largest number. This difference will give you the range. 55 - 22 = 33 The range is 33 for this set of data.

What is the function table for x equals 3?

First column, of x values, is the domain of x - whatever that may be. Second column, of function values is always 3.

Related questions

How do you find out the width of a box and whisker plot?

The sides of the box are the quartile values: the left is the first quartile and the right is the third quartile. The width, therefore is the interquartile range.

How do you find the interquartile range in a set of data?

how do you find the interquartile range of this data

What is the semi interquartile range?

The semi interquartile range is a measure for spread or dispersion. To find it you have to subtract the first quartile from Q3 and divide that by 2, (Q3 - Q1)/2

What is the interquartile range of a number?

the IQR is the third quartile minus the first quartile.

What is the name of the difference between the third and the first quartile?

Interquartile range denoted IQR.

What is the name for the difference between the third quartile and first quartile in a five number summary?

interquartile range or IQR

What is the name for the difference for the difference between the third quartile and first quartile in a five- number summary?

Interquartile range.

What does the box represent in a box and whisker plot?

The box represents your Q1, Q2 (median) and Q3, so it is your interquartile range. The Q1 is the first box line, the Q2 is the middle one and the Q3 is the closing line. Your interquartile range basically tells you where 50% of the people are.

Is a butterfly picture a symmetrical shape?

Generally speaking, one wing of a "normal" butterfly is the same as the other, only it appears as the "reverse" or "reflection" of the first wing. That makes the shape symmetrical, and in that light, yes, a butterfly with its wings spread is a symmetrical shape.

A box plot is also known as a box-and-whisker plot.?

A box plot is a visual representation of the distribution of a dataset. It displays the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum values of the dataset. The "box" in the plot represents the interquartile range, while the "whiskers" represent the range of the data excluding outliers.

What does interquartile mean in math?

If a set of data are ordered by size, then the lower quartile is a value such that a quarter of the data are smaller than it. The upper quartile is a value such that a quarter of the data are larger than it. Interquartile means between the quartiles.

What can the difference between mean and median values infer. If the mean is 8 655.7 and the median -8 653.0?

First, I will give an example, similar to your question: -11000 -9000 +44000 mean = 8,000 and median = -9000. Symmetrical distributions after infinite sampling will show no difference in mean and median. Large differences are possible with small sample sizes even with symmetrical distributions. If the sample is large and the difference is large, this infers that the distribution is asymmetrical. The skewness of the distribution can be calculated.