It is a positive. When you multiply a negative and a negative, it becomes a positive, then you multipy the positive with the other positive
negative 15 plus positive three = negative twelve -15 + +3 = -12
30, which is the smallest positive integer divisible by the first three primes: 2, 3 and 5.
The smallest three-digit even number is -998. However, while considering only positive numbers, the smallest three-digit number even number is then 100.
three way to protect identity theft
The three top strategies would be: * Do it quickly * Do it well and * Finish the job
The proton in an atom is the positively charged particle.
positive 4
First of all six is greater than three. Six is three more than three and three is three less than six. Six is positive and three is negative. Three is prime (i think) and six isn't.
Marketing managers use three basic market-coverage strategies: undifferentiated, differentiated, and concentrated
. 4
no, it is five less than positive three.
The Stalker Chronicles Episode Three - Identity - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: UK:12
After the building catches on fire.
Three: stra-te-gies.
Three forces that shape a nation identity, the identity of he individuals inside the nation, (including their beliefs, values, ethnicity, ect.) the geography, (where the nation is located.) and government (political forces within the nation.)