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Worms snakes fish whales

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Q: What are top four living creatures with no feet?
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The reason why wide feet are a good adaptation for living in the desert is because you do not sink in to the sand as you would if you have thinner feet. Camels have wide feet that help them stay on top of the sand making travel easier and more efficient. The camel's feet are good for the desert because their feet are flat so they don't sink in the sand and that means they can move faster.

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There are many unexplained creatures in the universe. Some of the famous creatures are forest poppers, tree mice, and bears on the moon. All three are apart of a legend.

What is the top of your feet called?

The tops are the dorsa of the feet.

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What is the structure of the body?

They are 2 hinged creatures with 2 plates on top and bottom.

How tall is the world's tallest dog What Breed is it?

While not the most massive overall, the tallest breed on average (with all four feet on the ground) is the Irish Wolfhound. Males stand up to 36 inches (95 cm) tall at the withers; making them near four feet tall at the top of the head.

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Width: 6 feet (72 inches) Height: 3.5 feet (42 inches)

What length do alligators usually have?

Most males top out at around twelve feet, but nineteen feet is the top length.

What is the body structure of clams?

They are 2 hinged creatures with 2 plates on top and bottom.