

Best Answer

The numbers one through twenty-five

That was simple.

no. here are some real ones.

pick your favorites! ;)

(I have to know all of these for my algebra 1 class!)

1. Absolute Value-distance from zero (show symbol on board as well)

2. Acute Angle-An angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees.

3. Acute Triangle-A triangle with three acute angles.

4. Additive Identity Property-A property that says adding zero to any number

results in the same number.

5. Additive Inverse Property-A property that says adding a number and its

opposite results in 0.

6. Adjacent angles-Two angles that share a common side and vertex and do

not overlap.

7. Angle-A figure formed by two rays that begin at a common point, called a


8. Arc-Part of a circle's circumference.

9. Area-The number of square units needed to cover a figure (amount of space

on something).

10. Associative Property- A property that says the way you group 3 numbers

when adding or multiplying does not make a difference in the resulting sum

or product.

11. Base of a Power-The number or expression that is used as a factor in a

repeated multiplication. (show example on board and circle part they need to


12. Binomial-A polynomial with two terms.

13. Box-and -Whisker Plot-A data display that divides a data set into four

parts using the lower extreme (minimum), lower (1st) quartile, median (2nd

quartile), upper (3rd) quartile, and upper extreme (maximum).

14. Circle-The set of all points in a plane that are the same distance, called the

radius, from a fixed point, called the center.

15. Circumference-The distance around a circle.

16. Coefficient- The number in front of a variable when they are multiplied

together.(show example on board)

17. Commutative Property-- A property that says the order in which 2 numbers

are added or multiplied does not change the resulting sum or product.

18. Complementary Angles-Two angles whose measures have a sum of 90


19. Cone-A solid with one circular base.

20. Congruent- the term used when two angles or segments have the same

length or measure

21. Constant- A term that has a number but no variable.

22. Coordinate Plane-A system of coordinates formed by the intersection of a

horizontal number line, called the x-axis and a vertical number line, called

the y-axis.

23.Correlation-a relationship between paired data that either shows an

increase, decrease, or no relationship at all.

24. Corresponding Angles-Two angles that occupy similar (corresponding)

positions when a line intersects two other lines.

25. Cross Product Property-Property used to solve proportions that says the

product of the means equals the product of the extremes. You cross

multiply (diagonally) to solve.

26. Cylinder-A solid with two congruent circular bases that lie in parallel


27. Data-Information, facts, or numbers that describe something.

28. Decimal-A number written using the base-ten place value system where it

separates the ones' and tenths' digit.

29. Degrees-Unit of measure for angles.

30.Denominator-The number b in the fraction a/b where b cannot = 0. (show


31. Diagonal-A segment, other than a side, that connects two nonconsecutive

vertices of a polygon.

32.Diameter-The distance across the circle through its center.

33.Difference-The result when one number is subtracted from another.

34. Discriminant-The expression under the radical (square root) in the

quadratic formula (b^2 - 4ac) which helps to determine the number of

solutions of a quadratic equations. (show on board)

35.Distance Formula-- used to calculate the length

from one point in a coordinate plane to another. (show on board)

36.Distributive Property-For all numbers a, b, and c, a(b + c) = ab + ac.(show on


37. Domain of a function-The set of all input values for the function. The x


38. Equation-A mathematical sentence formed by setting two expressions

equal to each other.

39. Equilateral triangle-A triangle with three congruent sides.

40. Evaluate-To find the value of an algebraic expression by substituting a

number for each variable and performing the operation(s).

41. Exponent-A number that represents how many times a base is used as a

factor in a repeated multiplication. (show on board)

42. Experimental Probability-A probability based on repeated trials of testing.

What actually happens when you play the games.

43. Expression-a mathematical statement without an equal sign or an inequality

symbol that includes at least one variable

44. Factor- A whole number or pair of whole numbers that multiply to be

another number.

45.Fraction-A number of the form a/b where b cannot = 0.

46.Function-A set of rules including a domain which contains the inputs and a

range which contains the outputs. For each input there is exactly one


47.GCF-The greatest whole number that is a factor of two or more nonzero

whole numbers.

48.Heptagon-A polygon with 7 sides.

49.Hexagon-A polygon with 6 sides.

50.Histogram-A graph that displays data from a frequency table.

51. Horizontal-a line or a direction that is parallel to the x-axis and goes from

left to right (from East to West)

52.Hypotenuse-The side of a right triangle that is opposite the right angle.

Always the longest side of a right triangle.

53.Image-The new figure formed by a transformation. After the


54.Improper Fraction-A fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to

its denominator.

55.Inequality-A mathematical sentence formed by placing one of the symbols

<,>,≤, or ≥ between two expressions.

56. Input-The number that is put into the function. Set of all of these forms

the domain.

57.Integers-The set of numbers…-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Also referred to

as the whole numbers and their opposites.

58.Interquartile Range-The difference of the upper and lower quartiles of a

data set.

59. Intersection-the set of points or a point that two geometric figures have

in common.

60. Inverse operations-Operations that "undo" each other.

61. Irrational Number-A real number that cannot be written as a quotient of

two integers. The decimal form of this set of numbers neither terminates nor


62. Isosceles Triangle-A triangle with at least two congruent sides.

63. LCD-The least common multiple of the denominators of two or more


64. LCM-The least number that is a common multiple of two or more numbers.

65. Like Terms-Terms that have identical variable parts or are both


66. Lower Quartile (Quartile 1)-The median of the lower half of an ordered

data set

67. Mean-The sum of the values in a data set divided by the number of values.

Also called the average.

68. Median-The middle value in a data set when the values are written in

numerical order.

69. Midpoint-The point of a line segment that is equidistant from the

endpoints of the segment (in the middle).

70. Midpoint Formula-- Formula used to find the point in the middle of two

other points. (show on board)

71. Mixed Number-A number that has a whole number part and a fraction


72. Mode-The value in a data set that occurs most often.

73. Monomial-Polynomial with one term

74. Multiplication Identity-Property that states any number times 1 will result

in the same number.

75. Multiplicative Inverse-Property that states a number multiplied by its

inverse results in 1. A number and its reciprocal.

76. Natural Numbers-The set of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,……. Also known as the

counting numbers.

77. Numerator-The number a in the fraction a/b. The top of a fraction.

78. Obtuse Angle-An angle whose measure is between 90 and 180 degrees.

79. Obtuse Triangle-A triangle with one obtuse angle.

80. Octagon-A polygon with eight sides.

81. Opposites-Two numbers that are the same distance from 0 on a number

line but are on different sides of 0.

82. Order of operations-A set of rules for evaluating an expression involving

more than one operation. We can use PEMDAS to help us follow these rules.

83. Ordered Pair-A pair of coordinates (x and y) that can be used to

represent a point in a coordinate plane.

84. Origin-The ordered pair (0,0) where the x-axis and the y-axis meet in a

coordinate plane.

85. Outlier-A value that is widely separated from the rest of the data in a

data set. A bad data point.

86. Output-A number produced by evaluating a function using a given input.

The set of all these is called the range of the function.

87. Parabola-The U shaped graph of a quadratic function.

88. Parallel Lines-Two lines in the same plane that do not intersect.

89. Parallelogram-A quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel.

90. Pentagon-A polygon with five sides.

91. Percent-A ratio whose denominator is 100. Out of 100.

92. Perfect Square-A number that is the square of an integer.

93. Perimeter-The distance around a figure.

94. Perpendicular Lines-Two lines that intersect to form four right angles.

95. Plane-An example is a flat surface that extends in two dimensions.(wall,

ground, floor, etc.)

96. Point-Slope Formula-Formula use to write an equation of a line when you

have a point on the line and the slope of the line. (Draw on board)

97. Polygon-A geometric figure made up of three or more line segments that

intersect only at their endpoints.

98. Power-A product formed from repeated multiplication by the same number

or expression that consists of a base and an exponent.(show on board)

99. Prime number-A whole number greater than 1 whose only whole number

factors are 1 and itself.

100. Prism-A solid, formed by polygons, that has two congruent bases lying in

parallel planes.

101. Probability-- A number from 0 to 1 that measures the likelihood, or

chance, that an event will occur.

102. Product-The result when two or more numbers are multiplied.

103. Proper Fraction-A fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator.

104. Proportion-An equation stating that two ratios are equivalent. These are

solved by using the Cross Product Property

105. Pyramid-A solid, formed by polygons, that has one base. The base can be

any polygon, and the other polygons are triangles.

106. Pythagorean Theorem-a2 + b2 = c2 A.K.A leg 2+ leg2 = hyp2

107. Quadrant-One of the four regions that a coordinate plane is divided into

by the x-axis and the y-axis.

108. Quadratic Equation-an equation that can be written in the standard form

ax^2 + bx + c where the highest degree is 2. (show on board)

109. Quadratic Formula-A formula used to solve a quadratic equation. (show

on board)

110. Quadrilateral-A geometric figure made up of four line segments, called

sides, that intersect only at their endpoints; a polygon with four sides.

111. Quotient-The result of a division problem.

112. Radical- Another name for a square root.

113. . Radicand-The number or expression inside a radical (square root)

symbol. (Show on board)

114. Radius of a Circle-The distance between the center and any point on the


115. Range-The set of numbers of a function that contains all the output


116. Rate-A ratio of two quantities measured in different units.

117. Ratio-A comparison of two numbers using division.

118. Rational Number-A number that can be written as a fraction (a/b).

119. Ray-A part of a line that begins at a point (initial point) and extends in

one direction without end.

120. Real Numbers-The set of all rational numbers and irrational numbers. All

numbers on the the number line.

121. Reciprocals-Two nonzero numbers whose product is 1. When you "flip" a


122. Reflection-A transformation that flips a figure in a line, creating a mirror

image of the figure.

123. Regular Polygon-A polygon with all sides equal in length and all angles

equal in measure. A polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular.

124. Rhombus-A parallelogram with four congruent sides.

125. Right Angle-An angle whose measure is exactly 90 degrees.

126. Right Triangle-A triangle with one right angle.

127. Rotation-A transformation that turns/spins a figure through a given


128. Scalene Triangle-A triangle with no congruent sides.

129. Scatter Plot-The graph of a set of a data pair which is a collection of

points in a coordinate plane.

130. Scientific Notation-A number of the form c X 10n where c is greater

than or equal to 1 and less than 10 and n is not an integer. (show on board)

131. Similar Polygons-Polygons that have the same shape but not necessarily

the same size.

132. Simplify-To reduce or breakdown an expression into its lowest terms


133. Slope-The ratio of a line's vertical change to its horizontal change

between any two points. The rate of change of a line. Represented by the

letter m. Rise over run.

134. Slope Formula-Formula used to find the rate of change of a line. (Show

on board)

135. Slope-Intercept Form-A linear equation written in the form y=mx+b where

m is the slope and b is the y-intercept of the equation's graph. (show on board)

136. Solution-A number or ordered pair of numbers that make an equation or

an inequality true

137. Solve-To find the value of the variable(s) of an equation or inequality.

138. Sphere-A solid formed by all points in space that are the same distance

from a fixed point called the center.

139. Square Root-Also called a radical. When trying to fine what number

squared gives you the number inside this symbol. (show symbol on board)

140. Stem-and-Leaf Plots-A data display that helps you see how data values

are distributed. Each data value is separated into the last digit and the

remaining digits.

141. Straight Angle-An angle whose measure is exactly 180 degrees.

142. Substitution-A property that allows you to replace terms of equal value

for one another. Example: putting 4 in for x.

143. Sum-The result when two or more numbers are added.

144. Supplementary Angles-Two angles whose measures have a sum of 180


145. Surface Area-The sum of the areas of the outside surfaces of a solid.

146. Terminating Decimal-A decimal that has a final digit that stops and does

not repeat.

147. Theoretical Probability-The probability of an event when all outcomes are

equally likely. What is supposed to happen when playing the game.

148. Transformation-A movement of a figure in a plane that is done by a

reflection, rotation, translation, or dilation.

149. Translation-A transformation that slides each point of a figure the same

distance in the same direction.

150. Trapezoid-A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite side parallel.

151. Trinomial-A polynomial with three terms.

152. Unit Rate-A rate that has a denominator of 1 unit.

153. Upper Quartile (Quartile 3)-The median of the upper half of an ordered

data set

154. Variable-A letter that is used to represent one or more numbers.

155. Vertex-The common endpoint of the two rays that form an angle. Where

the endpoints of polygons meet.

156. Vertical Angles-A pair of opposite angles formed when two lines meet at

a common point.

157. Vertical-A line or direction that is parallel to the y-axis and goes from

top to bottom/up and down (north to south)

158. Volume-The amount of space a solid contains in terms of cubic units.

Amount of space inside the object.

159. Whole Numbers-The set of numbers 0,1,2,3….. Also called the Natural

numbers including 0.

160. X-Axis-The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.

161. X-Coordinate-The first number in an ordered pair representing a point in

a coordinate plane.

162. X-Intercept-The x-coordinate of a point where the graph crosses the xaxis

when y=0.

163. Y-Axis-The vertical axis in a coordinate plane.

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Q: What are twenty five words that can be used in math?
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