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They are called endecagons or hendecagons.

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Q: What are two dimensional shapes with eleven sides called?
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What are shapes with eleven sides called?

They are called hendecagons.

What do you call a shapes that has eleven sides?

a shape with eleven sides is called a undecagon

Are all eight sided shapes called octagons?

No. All 2-dimensional shpaes with 8 sides are octagons; all 3-dimensional shapes with 8 sides are called octahedrons.

What is a 2d shape with 11 sides?

A two-dimensional eleven-sided figure is called a hendecagon.

Quadrilaterals that have just one set of parallel sides?

Quadrilaterals are two-dimensional shapes that have four sides. Quadrilaterals that have only one set of parallel sides are called trapezoids.

How do you find the perimetre of 2 dimensional shapes?

You add the lengths of all the sides.

What is the name of a eleven sided shape called?

Two-dimensional: Pentagon Three-dimensional: Pentahedron

What are the sides of shapes called?

They are called sides or edges.

Shapes with many sides are called?

If they are flat two dimensional shapes with three or more sides, they are called polygons. If they are solid figures, they are called polyhedrons. The words come from Greek: Polugonos = many angled Poluedros - many sided Both definitions taken from my Concise Oxford English Dictionary.

How many vertices do 3 sides shape have?

2-dimensional shapes, with three straight sides have three vertices.

What is the name of a shape if it has four sides but is not a quadrilateral?

Triangular based pyramid. If you're referring to a tetrahedron, then for polyhedrons (3 dimensional shapes), they are actually called faces, rather than sides.

What is the name for a shapes with strait sides?

Shapes with straight sides are called polygons