If your hours are 7pm to 5:20 am then you work 10 hours and 20 minutes per shift.
12pm to 7pm is a span of 7 hours.
From Friday 7pm to Sunday 7pm is a total of 48 hours. This is because there are 24 hours in a day, and 48 hours encompass two full days. So, the time span includes all the hours from Friday evening to Sunday evening, totaling 48 hours.
16 hours
6 hours
11 hours
Sunday 7PM to Monday 7PM, 24 hoursMonday 7PM to Tuesday 7PM, 24 hoursTuesday 7PM to Wednesday 7PM, 24 hoursWednesday 7PM to Thursday 7PM, 24 hoursTotal 96 hours5PM is 2 hours earlier than 7PM so subtract 2 hours, the answer is 94 hours
12pm to 7pm is a span of 7 hours.
There are 8 hours between 7pm and 3am.
7am to 7pm is 12 hours 7pm to 11pm is 4 hours Add 12 and 4 and you will have the answer
10am till 6pm except in October where they are open till 7pm and open and 9am the rental department closes at 5:30 all year round though
From Friday 7pm to Sunday 7pm is a total of 48 hours. This is because there are 24 hours in a day, and 48 hours encompass two full days. So, the time span includes all the hours from Friday evening to Sunday evening, totaling 48 hours.
16 hours
6 hours
7 hours
That is 12 hours.
15 hours. Note: 7am to 7pm is 12 hours, plus 7pm to 10pm is 3 hours (12 + 3 = 15).
11 hours