

Best Answer

-- love

-- happiness

-- contentment

-- good health

-- long life

-- a faithful wife

-- smart children

-- world peace

-- satisfaction

-- respect

-- faith

-- wisdom

-- understanding

-- intelligence

-- a clear sky

-- warm sunshine

-- gentle rain

-- good sleep

-- pleasant dreams

-- physical fitness

-- true friends

-- good senses of pitch, rhythm, and humor

-- smooth skin

-- an engaging personality

-- luck

-- blessings

-- mercy

all have no price, since they are not for sale. But with $1 million, you could send 10 people through Medical School. You could buy about 10 houses. You could buy and equip 3 ambulances for a rural rescue squad, or 2 full sized fire engines with all the bells and whistles. You could buy breakfast for the city of Richmond, VA. If you got together with 42 other millionaires, you could buy one stealth fighter.

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