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Q: What can you include in calculation to indicate which calculation should be done first?
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Why There is time dependent and independent equation.What is the need for this?

If you have a situation in a steady state ("at rest") it would be pointless to introduce consideration of time dependence into any discussion or calculation relating to the problem. In fact, if you did include it, the first thing that would happen in your calculation would be that time variation would drop out of all consideration. So it would be pointless to include in the first place. On the other hand if you are calculating a changing situation, it would be foolish not to include time.

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Yes, there should. Sometimes, though, the "date" is a calculation, such as 10 a.m. on the first Monday following the expiration of 20 days after service.

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The first 3 band on a resistor indicate the value of that resistor.

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The first computer used for calculation is highly dependent on what you consider a computer to be. In many views, the first computer used for calculations was the abacus which dates back to 2400 BC.

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