The letters A H I O T X Y all have a vertical line of symmetry (as they look the same on the left as they do on the right).
Symmetry means if a straight line is drawn through a picture(horizontal, vertical, diagonally, ect.), the sides will look identical. For example the capital letters: M, A, Y, H, W, O, U, T, V, I, and X; if you draw a vertical line the two side will look the same.
by divide in two halves equal
The capital letter H does B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, and X have a horizontal symmetry line.
A horizontal line is perpendicular to a vertical line.
A line that divides the letter so that the 2 halves are mirror images. Ex. The letter V ... A vertical line thru the bottom makes 2 parts that are mirror images, so that vertical line is the axis of symmetry. But.. A Capital E would not have a vertical axis of symmetry. Capital E would have a horizontal line splitting thru the middle line as its axis of symmetry.
Capital h, i, o, t, x.
A, h, i, m, o, t, u, v, w, x, y
Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB
I could be wrong but I believe the following have point symmetry: I H O X That means if you cut them in half vertically or horizontally the pieces would be the same, mirror images if you will. There are many more letters that are symmetrical down a vertical line such as M and W etc.
The letters with vertical line symmetry are: W, T, Y, U, I, O, A, H, X, V, M. The letters with horizontal line symmetry are: E, I, O, D, H, X, C, B.
English alphabet: A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, W, YA
Yes capital A has one line of symmetry or 'mirror image'
It has 1 vertical line of symmetry
H, M, N Kind of U (because the line curves at the end) If it doesn't have to be all the way vertical... A, V, W, X, Y