1535, 1540, 1545, 1550, 1555, 1560, 1565, 1570, 1575.
Nearest ten: 1540 Nearest hundred: 1500
All Factors of 3070:1, 2, 5, 10, 307, 614, 1535, 3070
Converting to centimetres gives: 1535 - 658 = 877 So the answer is 8 metres and 77 centimetres.
august 15 ,1535 august 15 ,1535
1535 kilometres = 953.8 miles
1535 in and of itself is not an equation. In the number 1535 the one is thousands, the 5 is hundreds, the 3 is tens and the 5 is ones.
There seems to be no record of St. Robert's birth but he was probably born later in the 15th century as he was martyred on May 4, 1535.
Yorkshire, England 1535
Jacques Cartier's ships were: The Grande Hermine from 1535-36. The Petite Hermine from 1535-36. The Emerillion from 1535-36. Georges from 1541-42. And The Saint-Brieux from 1541-42.
His second voyage started May 19th 1535 and ended October 11th 1535.
1535 was the date of his second voyage, this time he sailed up the St Lawrence river.
There is still no cure for polio, a disease that has been known since ancient times. Polio did not become epidemic until the late 19th century, when improvements in community sanitation prevented widespread development of immunity to the virus in early childhood. In 1535, there was no treatment for the condition. People either lived with their crippled condition, or died.