Red is the color of a triangle shaped daymark.
No, the complimentary color to any primary color, is the secondary color created when you mix the two remaining primary colors. The complimentary color of red is green. Yellow is the complimentary color of purple.
u add that one color from that one time at that one place...
Mixing any color with black produces a shade of the original color. Mixing a color with white produces a tint of the original color.
Red is the color of a triangle shaped daymark.
Green is a square shaped daymark buoy.
You are boating near shore at twilight. You see a square-shaped daymark. You cannot make out the marker's color. What color is it?
Daymarkers are red triangles with green squares.
Square daymarks are always green and indicates the left side of the channel as the boat moves upstream. A triangular daymark is always red and marks the right side of the bank.
Daymarkers are red triangles with green squares.
Daymarkers are red triangles with green squares.
you should pass the daymark on your starboard side
Red with even numbers, UNLESS you are in the ICW then there are yellow triangles too.