1090after number
10,000 (ten thousand) comes after 9999
100,000 AKA one hundred thousand
The whole number that comes after 99, 99,999 is 100,000,000.
Answer: 2121/10000 Start by writing 0.2121 as a fraction of 1: 0.2121/1 Then multiply both top and bottom numbers by 10 for every number that comes after the decimal point: 0.2121/1 = (0.2121 x 10000)/1 x 10000 = 2121/10000 It's no longer able to be reduced so our final answer is: 2121/10000
Ten Thousand (10,000)
10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
20000-10000 = 10000
89/10000= 0.0089 * 10000/10000= 89/10000