You're likely to encounter some difficulty proving that statement, because it's false. 2/55 is about 3.6% 6/99 is about 6.1%
x = 1. These are probably the triangular numbers. 1 1+2 = 3 1+2+3 = 6 1+2+3+4 = 10 etc.
Multiply 55 by 3 so that 2 is to 55 as 6 is to 165
The number which best completes the sequence below is:1 1 3 2 4 6 5 25 ?
what number best completes this sequence.. 6 9 27 54 675
2-55 2 to 6=4 55+44 is 99 please explain it a detailed way...
You're likely to encounter some difficulty proving that statement, because it's false. 2/55 is about 3.6% 6/99 is about 6.1%
x = 1. These are probably the triangular numbers. 1 1+2 = 3 1+2+3 = 6 1+2+3+4 = 10 etc.
If 2 is to 55 then 6 is to 165
Multiply 55 by 3 so that 2 is to 55 as 6 is to 165
6 is three times 2 so the answer is three times 55 which is 165