5, 7, a bunch of numbers that are odd are not divisible by 3. numbers that are divisible by three can have all their numbers added together and come out with a number that is divisible by 3.
All the even numbers are divisible by 2.
Yes. Test a couple numbers divisible by 9--27, 81--and they are all divisible by 3.
The numbers that are divisible by 5 has 5 or 0 at the end.So,this numbers are divisible by 5.5,10,15,25,555,10000,etc.
Numbers divisible by 8 will all be even. They will all be divisible by 4 and again by 2, and will all be divisible by 2 and by 2 again and by 2 again.2,7,9,6,9
2 is a prime number.
a number wich disproves a proposition For example, theprime number 2 is a counterexample to the statement "All prime numbers are odd."
a number wich disproves a proposition For example, theprime number 2 is a counterexample to the statement "All prime numbers are odd."
find a counterexample to the statement all us presidents have served only one term to show statement is false
Yes, the planet Mercury does not have any moons. This serves as a counterexample to the statement "all planets have moons."
an example of this is like taking a statement and making it negative, i think.... Such as, "All animals living in the ocean are fish." A counterexample would be a whale(mammal), proving this statement false.
That is a true statement.
All numbers are divisible by 1.
Yes; all numbers that are divisible by 9 are divisible by 3.
9 = 3*3 and so it is not a prime.
All of the even numbers are divisible by 2.
All the even numbers are divisible by 2.