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Australia and America. They might be some more but these are the ones i know

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Q: What countries use dollars?
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How do you write 3.2 million dollars?

$32,000,000, but you should specify what dollars since many countries use dollar as their currency.$32,000,000, but you should specify what dollars since many countries use dollar as their currency.$32,000,000, but you should specify what dollars since many countries use dollar as their currency.$32,000,000, but you should specify what dollars since many countries use dollar as their currency.

Do countries in the Mediterrranean use the US dollar?

No. However, there is a black market trade in dollars in many foreign countries.

How do you write 57770 dollars in words?

It is fifty seven thousand seven hundred seventy dollars from one of the many countries which use dollars as their currency unit.

What is 2 million pesos in dollars?

There are many countries which use a Peso as their currency unit and also many countries which use a Dollar. You need to specify the two countries if you wish to get a sensible answer.

How would you write 50000.00 dollars?

Exactly as in the question: 50000.00 dollars, provided the country was unambiguous. Many countries use dollars as the major denomination for their currency and if there is any doubt you should use the 3-character currency code.

One thousand million dollars currency in which country?

Many countries use "dollars" as their currency unit so it is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question.

What are the taxes on 900 dollars?

Among other factors, the answer will depend on:in which country (many countries use "dollars");over what period of timeyour allowances.

What money do North America use?

There are three countries in north America. Canada, United States, and Mexico. The US uses dollars. The other two countries use different currency.

How do you write 2.13 billion dollars?

If they are US dollars, then $2,130,000. If dollars from other countries, then use the international currency prefix - a three character prefix (eg USD for US dollars) which is used by all financial institutions.

How many ways can you makes 30 dollar with bills?

The answer depends on which country's dollars. There are many countries that use "dollars" as their currency unit and their bills, or notes, are of different values.

How many dollars make a dinar?

Many countries use dollar as their currency unit and they are not of the same value. Also, many countries use dinar as their currency unit and they are not of the same value. The question needs to be more specific.

How many rupees in four twenty five millions dollors?

Many countries use rupees as its currency. Many countries use dollars as its currency though I am not aware of any that use dollors. The exchange rates between these currencies will, obviously, depend on the countries and so, without that information, it is not possible to answer the question.