1/4 = 25/100 26/100 has the same denominator but a bigger numerator. So 26/100 is bigger.
Expressed as a decimal, 4/5 is equal to 0.8. Expressed as a decimal, 3/4 is equal to 0.75. Therefore, 4/5 is larger than 3/4.
The number 39 is bigger than 3.9, the latter being a decimal figure that is less than 4.
To determine which number is bigger, we compare the digits place by place. In this case, the first digit after the decimal point is the deciding factor. In 6.4, the digit after the decimal point is 4, while in 6.004, the digit after the decimal point is 0. Since 4 is greater than 0, 6.4 is bigger than 6.004.
Expressed as a decimal, 7/9 is equal to 0.7 recurring (that is, 0.7777...) Expressed as a decimal, 4/5 is equal to 0.8. So, no, four fifths is bigger.
426 is bigger because the point in 4.26 is a decimal ergo, it is 4 and 26
4/26 = 0.153846 repeating
In lowest terms, 26/28 is 13/14. As a decimal, it is 0.9286 to 4 decimal places.
1/4 = 25/100 26/100 has the same denominator but a bigger numerator. So 26/100 is bigger.
Neither, they are the same. For instance the decimal number 0.75 is equal to the fraction of 3/4.
Suppose you have two decimal numbers, A and B. If A - B > 0 then A is the bigger decimal, if A - B < 0 then B is the bigger decimal and if A - B = 0, neither is bigger.
a bigger decimal
53.125 is bigger than 52.916666.
2 1/4 feet = 2 x 12 + (1/4) x 12 = 27 inches, so it bigger than 26 inches.
Expressed as a decimal, 4/5 is equal to 0.8. Expressed as a decimal, 3/4 is equal to 0.75. Therefore, 4/5 is larger than 3/4.
The number 39 is bigger than 3.9, the latter being a decimal figure that is less than 4.