75 out of 300= 75 / 300= 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.25 * 100 = 25%
75 / 300 = 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.25 * 100 = 25%
300% Because you divide both sides by 25 and you will get 75/25=3. Then convert 3 into 300% by making it into a decimal, 3.00 and move the decimal place two places to the right.
0.25 or 25%
75% of 300 is 225. 300 - 225 = 75
$225= 75% of $300= 75%/100% * $300= 0.75 * $300= $225
percentage of 75 percent of 300 = 22500%75% of 300= 75% * 300= 0.75 * 300= 225 *100% = 22500%
0.3% 25/75 = 100/300 and that equals 1/3 1/3 as a decimal is .3 so the answer is 0.3%
Percentage = Base x Rate or ( P = B x R)75 = 300 x R75 / 300 = R0.25 = RTo convert this number into percent, move two place the decimal point to the right so the answer is 25%.