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This is not actually a question, and doesn't parse. Water an be subjected to many measurements, with a few common types being volume, temperature, electrical conductivity, and mass.

Thus, a suitable response is "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

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Q: What decimal place is uncertainty in measurement of water?
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How do you preform water displacement?

1) Measure the height of water in a beaker or a bowl. (First Measurement) 2) Place the object in the water. 3) Measure the height of the water while the object is still in the water. (Second Measurement) 4) Subtract your first measurement from your second measurement.

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Use the water displacement method. You need a graduated cylinder and some water. Fill the graduated cylinder with enough water so that when you place the rock in the graduated cylinder it will cover the rock. Read the meniscus (the slightly curved line of the water) at eye level. Record your measurement of the water in the graduated cylinder (in mL). Place the rock in the graduated cylinder and record your new measurement of the water line, again at eye level. Subtract the original measurement from the new one to get the volume of the rock.

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You can measure the temperature of ice water using a thermometer designed for lower temperatures. Place the thermometer in the ice water and wait until the reading stabilizes to get an accurate measurement.

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The measurement of the grams of water in a kilogram of air is called specific humidity.

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The measurement of water hardness is typically expressed in grains per gallon.

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You can measure the temperature of water using a thermometer specifically designed for use in liquids. Place the thermometer in the water and wait for it to stabilize to get an accurate measurement. Submerge the thermometer deep enough to get an accurate reading.

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How many percent be the solute if 38g of Nacl is dissolved in 700g water?

should be (38/700)x100 then move the decimal place back