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xx designates a normal human female.

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Q: What designates a normal human female 1. XXY 2. XY 3. XX 4. XYY 5. XO?
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Describe how the karyotype of an XXY human would differ from that of an XO human?

The karyotype of an XO human would be deficient one X chromosome, compared to that of a normal female, and it would result in a female. Normal human females only use one X chromosome, whereby one is inactivated, which is why an XO human is viable. An XXY human would have one extra X chromosome as compared to that of a normal male, and it would result in a male. Again, an X chromosome is inactivated, which is why an XXY human is viable. XO is referred to as Turner Syndrome. XXY is referred to as Klinefelter Syndrome.

What is the ratio of a baby being male or female?

The ratio of a human baby being a male to being a female is 1:1.That means that the baby has a 50% of being a male, and a 50% of being a female.A male human has the genotype of XY.A female human has the genotype of XX.Some mutated organisms have an XXY or XYY for a genotype.

What are the physical traits of the human aneuploidy XXY?

The human is classified a male. Physical traits include male sex organs, but small testes. They are sterile. Can have some breast enlargement and other female characteristics which are common.

What are the sex chromosomes of male human being?

Normal male humans have the sex chromosomes XY. The presence of the Y chromosome determines sex in humans - so a person with XXY will be male.

Can humans only be male and female?

No, there is a condition called XXY where it is a cross over of male and female. Other than that, yes male and female are the standard.

What chromosome is klinefelters syndrome located on?

they have a extra chromosome, a normal male is XY, a male with klinefelters is XXY.

What is the chromosomal abnormality in the 23th chromosome?

Well there is actually several. There is XXY, Klinefelter: XYY, "Super male": XXX, perfectly normal but still a abnormality: and XO or Turner syndrome, sterile female, small stature, normal intelligence. These are the most well documented but I am sure there is more out there.

How many sex chromosomes do humans have?

1 pair of sex chromosomes Female pair is XX Male pair is XY

What is the duration of XXY film?

The duration of XXY - film - is 1.45 hours.

Which one of the following genotypes causes klinefelter syndrome xy xx xxy or xyy?

Yes, Klinefelter's syndrome is due to the XXY genotype.

Is a male with XXY chromosome combination a normal male or sterile male?

The principal effects are development of small testicles and reduced fertility.

Is xxy male or female?

Klinefelter syndrome: males inherit one or more extra X chromosomes--their genotype is XXY or more rarely XXXY or XY/XXY mosaic. In severe cases, they have relatively high-pitched voices, asexual to feminine body contours as well as breast enlargement, and comparatively little facial and body hair. They are sterile or nearly so, and their testes and prostate gland are small.