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Q: What did Copernicus believe the planetary motions were due to?
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What did Copernicus believe in?

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who is best known for the astronomical theory that the Sun was near the center of the universe and that the Earth and other planets rotated around the center. He also stated that the Earth spinning on its axis, rotates once daily and makes a full revolution around the Sun in a year. Copernicus did not believe that the Earth and other planets were influenced by or revolved due to the Sun, instead he believed that the Sun was located near the center of the universe. It was this center of the universe which influenced those bodies and caused them to revolve. This theory is called the heliocentric or sun-center theory of the universe.He believed in the theory that the Earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around. He didn't publish his findings until before his death because he was afraid of going against the church and of being persecuted.

Why did nicolaus Copernicus thought the sun was the center?

Copernicus produced a new theory published in 1543 that had the Sun at the centre but in other respects it was similar to the Ptolemaic theory with its circles and epicycles. He thought his model was simpler because many of the epicycles were smaller, even though there were just as many as in the Ptolemaic theory. We now know that this is because the Ptolemaic theory with the Earth at the centre required larger epicycles to 'take out' the Earth's motion round the Sun. In other words in the Ptolemaic model the Sun's orbit was the 'reverse' of the Earth's orbit. To that extent the Copernican theory was simpler. Kepler's theory of 1609 did away with all the old circles and replaced them all with elliptical orbits for the planets, each one in its own plane, close to the ecliptic. He retained the idea that the Sun is at the centre, and devised the Three Laws of planetary motion. After a full dynamical theory was produced by Newton that explained the elliptical orbits and Kepler's Laws, more and more people accepted that it was right, and that is the situation today, with tiny corrections due to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

What is the synonym for expected?

think, believe, suppose, assume, trust, imagine, reckon, presume, anticipate, predict, envisage, await, contemplate

How many 5-number combinations are there for numbers 0-9?

I believe this answer to be 10C5. Due to the fact there are 10 numbers to chose from, and you want to know how many times they can be aranged using 5 numbers. The answer is therefore, 10!/5!(5!), which is 252.

If 8 miles denotes 8 miles due north what denotes 5 miles due south?


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What caused Copernicus to challenge aristotles theories of planetary motion?

Copernicus challenged Aristotle's theories of planetary motion due to observations that didn't align with the geocentric model, particularly the retrograde motion of planets. Through his own observations and mathematical calculations, Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, providing a simpler explanation for the observed phenomena in the sky.

Which can not be believed?

Copernicus did not believe that the Earth and other planets were influenced by or revolved due to the Sun

What religion was Nicolas Copernicus?

Nicolas Copernicus was roman catholic......even though he didnt believe in everything the church said due to the fact that the catholic church at that time was very corrupt

Copernicus' model of the solar system gave much better predictions than the model of Ptolemy?

Yes, Copernicus' heliocentric model of the solar system, with the Sun at the center, provided more accurate predictions of planetary movements compared to Ptolemy's geocentric model, which had the Earth at the center. This was due to the simplicity and elegance of Copernicus' model, leading to a better understanding of the true nature of the solar system.

In the northern hemisphere planetary winds are deflected to the right due to what?

Cause by Earth's rotation

Lets us see flaws in the ptolemaic model of the universe What is its basic flaws?

The Ptolemaic model of the universe placed Earth at the center with other planets and the Sun in circular orbits around it. One flaw is the complicated system of epicycles and deferents needed to explain the retrograde motion of planets. Additionally, it could not predict planetary positions as accurately as the heliocentric model due to its geocentric nature.

Did copernicuses heliocentric view predict the planets positions?

Yes, Copernicus's heliocentric theory predicted the relative positions of the planets more accurately than the geocentric model, although some inaccuracies remained due to the circular orbits assumption and uniform speeds. The heliocentric model eventually laid the foundation for Kepler's laws and Newton's theory of gravitation, which greatly improved our understanding of planetary motion.

What causes planetary winds?

Due to unequal distribution of pressure winds blow in perticular direction throughout the year and are reflected due to axial rotation of the earth.This is how planetory wind originates.

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The most abundant gas in Earth's original planetary atmosphere was likely hydrogen, followed by helium. This composition changed over time due to various geological and biological processes.

What will happen to the people in the Earth if the planets of solar system were alligned?

If the planets in our solar system were aligned, it would not have any direct impact on the people on Earth. Planetary alignments are quite common and do not cause any significant effects on Earth due to the vast distances between the planets. Astrologically, some believe that planetary alignments may have symbolic or energetic influences on individuals, but there is no scientific evidence to support this.

How rich was nicolaus Copernicus?

Nicolaus Copernicus was a wealthy man as he came from a family of merchants in Poland. However, his wealth was not on the level of the nobility or great aristocrats of his time. He was financially comfortable due to his inheritance and income from his work as a church canon and administrator.

How was the heliocentric model proven?

The heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus was substantiated by Galileo's observations of the phases of Venus, which supported the idea that Venus orbited the Sun and not Earth. Additionally, Kepler's laws of planetary motion and Newton's law of universal gravitation provided further evidence in favor of the heliocentric model by explaining how planets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun due to gravitational forces.