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he was a German mathematician and scientist who contributed to many fields, number theory, analysis, statistics, geometry, electrostatics, astronomy and optics

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Q: What did Gauss invent?
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When did Carl Friedrich Gauss invent the arithmetic progression?

Actually he did not invent arithmetic progression, but he had this insight as a 7 years old young student. When his teacher asked the class to sum all numbers from 1 to 100, the young Gauss did not need more than a few seconds to write "5050" in his slate. he noticed that 1+100=101, 2+99=101, 3+98=101, ... formed a sequence of 50 pairs that could summarize the calculation to 50x101= 5050. Gauss is today considered by many as the greatest mathematician that ever lived.

Who were Karl friedrich gauss' parents?

Gebhard Dietrich Gauss and Dorothea Benz. Its CarlFriedrich Gauss, by the way.

How can Carl Gauss' inventions help you?

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When did Christian Gauss die?

Christian Gauss died in 1951.

When was Christian Gauss born?

Christian Gauss was born in 1878.

When was Harry Gauss born?

Harry Gauss was born in 1951.

What is Carl Friedrich Gauss moms name?

Mrs. Gauss.

What are carl friedrich gauss remarks?

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What is the relation between tesla and gauss?

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What is Carl gauss's nickname?

Carl Gauss's nickname was "Prince of Mathematicians."

How many gauss in a volt?

There are no Gauss in a volt. The Gauss is the centimetre-gram-second system unit of measurement of a magnetic field (which is also known as the "magnetic flux density", or the "magnetic induction"). It was named after the German mathematician and physicist Karl Gauss. One gauss is defined as one maxwell per square centimeter; it equals 1 × 10−4 tesla. - - 10−9-10−8 gauss in the magnetic field of the human brain - - 0.31-0.58 gauss: in Earth's magnetic field - - 50 gauss: in a typical refrigerator magnet - - 100 gauss in a small iron magnet - - 2000 gauss in a small neodymium-iron-boron magnet - - 15,000-30,000 gauss in a medical magnetic resonance imaging electromagnet

What is Carl gauss parents names?

Gebhard Dietrich Gauss and Dorothea Benze