King Krum called the Royal Math Science Teacher his favorite subject.
When Ptolemy I asked if there was a shorter path to learning geometry than Euclid's ElementsEuclid replied, "There is no royal road to geometry."
The king or Queen (depending on what you call it)
No, the rules of checkers do not allow a king to double jump on the same move. A double jump refers to making the jump twice in one move. The rules call for one movement per turn.
The Royal Society was founded in November 1660 and was granted a Royal Charter by King Charles II as the Royal Society of London. The Society is a learned society for science.
She is a Princess.
The princess is any female relative of the king or queen; for example princess Margaret was Queen Elizabeth's sister.
A palace.
KHDUDCM My science teacher said to remember it say King Henry doesn't usually drink chocolate milk.
King's Royal Hussars was created in 1992.
the king and queen lived in a Royal way. or The king wear royal robes.
Queen Esther went to the king ,after she and her servants fasted for a week. Even though the king did not call for Esther orhad he extended the royal sceptre. She walked boldly to the king.
A ruler climbing a mountain could be referred to as a "monarch on a peak" or a "sovereign ascending."