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They used the abacus

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Q: What did people do before calculators?
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Related questions

What did people use before calculators?

The Abacus

What did they use before calculators?

The Abacus

How much did blaise pascal sell the calculators?

Blaise Pascal lived long before the invention of calculators.

Which is not an electronic computer?

The abacus, a calculator before calculators.

Will they let people use calculators in the OAA?


Disadvantages of calculators?

The disadvantages of calculators is that they are no longer practical or convenient. Unless scientific in nature, most people use the calculators on their smart phones and wireless devices. While stand alone calculators are still in use, their popularity has immensely decreased across the nation.

Are there any free mortgage calculators?

There are hundreds of free mortgage calculators on the inter-webs. There are many banks that offer free mortage calculators on their website so you have a good understanding of what you can afford before you visit a banking agent. You can also find these free calculators on real estate listing sites such as

What functions could the Mechanical calculators perform?

Mechanical calculators could perform basic arithmetic functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They could also perform more complex calculations such as square roots and logarithms depending on the model and design. Mechanical calculators were used before electronic calculators became prevalent.

Before calculators where invented what was the mathematical tool used to quickly add numbers?


What existed before computers?

Before computers, we used typewriters for document processing, adding machines for mathematical computation and libraries for research. Since email did not exist, we had to use letters, telegrams, telex or the telephone for communicating with people at a distance.

Why do people have calculators?

Because some math problems are to hard to figure out.

Are all calculators in India solar calculators?

no there are no solar calculators in india