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They used a gallow

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Q: What did they use to hang people with in the old days?
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How is place value use in the real world?

it is used by people using place value charts all throuhout the world to help count how many days are left in school and how many days intile they have some days off

How can you figure out your age as a decimal?

Most people use 1/12 and multiply that by the number of months to get their decimal age. HOWEVER this is not exact because you are often a fraction of a month old, AND not all months are the same length. To figure out your age to an exact decimal, first add up the days until your next b-day (example: if today is April 27th and my b-day is July 10th, I would add 3 days + 31 days + 30 days + 10 days). Now, divide that number by 365. Write down the decimal you get. Now, do 1 - (the decimal you wrote down). You will get another decimal. Just add your age in years, and you have your decimal age! *This is fun because afterwards you get to brag, "I'm 17.7392649092739... years old!* Note: Use a calculator to make it easier! You can use memory on your calculator for the part where you subtract the decimal from 1.

What fraction of a year is 165 days?

Use 365 days for the number of days in a year

What is use of 3D snowflake in daily life.?

they are used to decorate your house to make your house look more beautiful or u can hang them in your rooms to make your room look fabulous.decorate your trees

What decimal fraction of a year of 365 days is 1 second?

essentially you would have 1/(60x60x24x365) (some people use 365.25) so straight forwardly the answer is 1/31536000. However scientifically it is 1/31556926

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Why did people use guns in the old days?

To shoot game, and use in war of course!

How did people use ink in old days?

They used it for writing down documents.

How they hang people in the horror movies?

if people say this: They way they hang people is that use green screen WRONG!! they hang people is by pausing in a certain part where there gna get hanged. Then they use a doll that's a replica of them and they do that ok thanx for readin!!!

What did people use to dye candles in the old days?

blood and fat. that's all i know of

What is the use of gallows if not for incarnate demon?

Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.Gallows are used to hang people, to kill them. Often for people believed to be criminals.

How do you use plantation in a sentence?

The Plantation System is very familiar with the people in the old days.

What is a word people use in the stock market?

hi we like to hang trees and hang mats & dangerous light bulbs and we hang dodowe also hang refrigersgoob night amareca with a side of hanged cats

What did it mean being in a gang?

It would mean that you use to hang out and chill with people.

Has silver lead to any scientific advances?

not really but people use it for silverware or in the old days they would use it for money, just like pirates did

What did hang on a minute mate mean in the olden days?

They didn't use this term back in "the olden days." It's a modern term meaning to wait for a minute.

How can you keep your necklaces neat and tidy?

You can hang them on hooks. You can pack them in boxes. Or you can use a jewelry organizer.

Why are grasshoppers called grasshoppers?

In the old days people used to use them as storage containers for their grass. Hence the name "grasshopper".