The digit in the tenths place of the number 809.47321 is the digit 4.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 463 is the digit 4.
A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.
The digit 7 in the number 71 is in the tens place. In a two-digit number like 71, the rightmost digit is in the ones place and the leftmost digit is in the tens place. Therefore, the place value of the digit 7 in the number 71 is 70, which represents 7 tens.
In the number 6397, the digit in the hundreds place is 9. This is because the hundreds place is the third digit from the right in a four-digit number. In 6397, the hundreds place is occupied by the digit 9.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 2378.91 is the digit 3.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 809.47321 is the digit 4.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 1465.98 is the digit 9.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 463 is the digit 4.
A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.A number cannot have a place value - only a specific digit with a number can have a place value.
The digit 7 in the number 71 is in the tens place. In a two-digit number like 71, the rightmost digit is in the ones place and the leftmost digit is in the tens place. Therefore, the place value of the digit 7 in the number 71 is 70, which represents 7 tens.
The digit in the tenths place of the number 0.3554 is the digit 3.
The digit in the thousands place of the number 741256 is the digit 1.
In the number 6397, the digit in the hundreds place is 9. This is because the hundreds place is the third digit from the right in a four-digit number. In 6397, the hundreds place is occupied by the digit 9.
A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.A number cannot have a place value. A single digit has a place value within a number.
The digit of 0 represents the hundreds place