There are 349 hundreds in 34,972. To determine this, we look at the digit in the hundreds place, which is 4. This digit represents 400, as it is in the hundreds place. Therefore, there are 349 hundreds in the number 34,972.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 463 is the digit 4.
In the number 6397, the digit in the hundreds place is 9. This is because the hundreds place is the third digit from the right in a four-digit number. In 6397, the hundreds place is occupied by the digit 9.
Oh, dude, there are three hundreds in 398. It's like basic math, you know? You just gotta look at the number and count the hundreds place. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
The digit of 0 represents the hundreds place
Oh, dude, there are three hundreds in 398. It's like basic math, you know? You just gotta look at the number and count the hundreds place. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 2378.91 is the digit 3.
3 is in the hundreds place2 is in the tens place8 is in the ones place
The digit in the hundreds place in the number 463 is the digit 4.
In the number 4,567, the place value of the 4 is in the hundreds place. In the place value system, each digit's position determines its value based on powers of 10. The hundreds place represents the digit's value multiplied by 100.
In the number 6397, the digit in the hundreds place is 9. This is because the hundreds place is the third digit from the right in a four-digit number. In 6397, the hundreds place is occupied by the digit 9.
The hundreds place is a position in a number representing the digit that is multiplied by 100. For example, in the number 356, the digit 3 is in the hundreds place. The hundredths place is two positions to the right of the decimal point and represents a value that is 1/100th of the whole number. In the number 0.56, the digit 5 is in the hundredths place. The hundreds place represents a larger value than the hundredths place because it is multiplied by 100, while the value in the hundredths place is divided by 100.