Oh, dude, the three dots for Surenos represent "mi vida loca" which means "my crazy life" in Spanish. It's like a badge of honor for them, you know, like a little reminder of their wild side. So, yeah, it's not just three random dots, it's like a whole vibe, man.
The 3 dots have two meanings, the first meaning is each dot stands for the words ''Mi'', ''Vida'' & ''Loca'' which is Spanish for My Krazy Life. The second meaning is they stand for the three possible outcomes of gang bangin which are prison, the hospital or the grave.
*Surenos rep 13 cause the letter M is the 13th letter of the alphabet and the M represents Mexican Mafia.
S.U.R.=Southern United Raza
S.U.R.=Strength Unity Respect
*Surenos wear brown and white NOT blue
Write down 4 rows of 3 dots or 3 rows of 4 dots.
it means square root. Ö9 = 3
By taking the number and setting it to the amount of the other number. Like if you have 3 eggs with 4 dots on them, then all together you have 12 dots. But if you wish to find how many eggs have dots and there are actually 5 eggs, because 2 did not have dots, then you'll know there are 3 eggs with dots on them.
Three dots placed in an upright triangle is used in maths to represent: Therefore.
A regular cubical dice has 21 dots. 1+2+3+4+5+6=21
3 dots mean the letter 'S' in Morse code. The classic way of remebering this is the phrase "SOS" which is 3 dots followed by 3 dashes and then 3 more dots.
Three dots in an upward V sign mean "therefore".
Three dashes in Morse Code mean the letter O. 3 dots, followed by 3 dashes, followed by 3 dots is Morse Code for SOS.
I don't know but all i feel like doing is connecting those dots!! (:
Write down 4 rows of 3 dots or 3 rows of 4 dots.
It's from a Mexican saying that means, "My crazy life". That's what the three dots mean.
its some sort of gang sign used by the Mexican mafia, aryan brotherhood, surenos, etc. I understand that it is usually in prison inmates meaning all coppers/screws are bastards a dot for each word
The world may never know
It means therefore
they've killed someone. If they are tears ?