For large numbers, mathematicians usually write the numeral itself, e.g.17-gon. A variable can even be used, usually n-gon. This is useful if the number of sides is used in a formula.
There is no established name for a 100-gon, though hectamay be used.
It can be called a hectakaienneacontakiaenneagon using the appropriate prefixes.
The -kai- portions above are optional meaning and.
you call a seven sided shape a heptagon.
An 11 sided shape is an Eptogon
A 12-sided shape is called a dodecagon.
A 30 sided shape is called a Triacontagon.
A nine sided shape or polygon is called a nonagon.
A seven sided shape is called a heptagon.
Why not just call it "a 130-sided shape"? because its not called that, spaz.
A five sided geometric shape is called a pentagon.
a 9 sided shape is a nonagon
this shape is called a Pentacontagon
A Tetraicosaterapentatetracontapenhectogigahenicosapenhectomegapentadecadihectohilliahexapenhectogon. Wow, that is long!