

What do you call a 270 degree triangle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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It's an elliptic triangle

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Q: What do you call a 270 degree triangle?
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Can the angles in a triangle add up to 270 degrees?

a) Yes. The angles can add up to 270 degrees. If you don't believe me go on ang search 270 degree triangle than you will see. -Paradise430 b) No. A triangle is not a solid and cannot be 3D and therefore if you draw it on a ball it does not actually fall into the category of triangle. -Monkeypizza13

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An isosceles triangle

How do you draw a 270 degree angle?

Draw a 'L' shape, but instead of drawing a square for the right angle, draw 3/4 of a circle around the rest of the angle. 360 - 90 = 270. b) don't think so. in a triangle all of the angles have to be line segments. line segments aren't circular. You simply can't draw a 270 degree triangle. its impossible.

What kind of triangle has 3 90-degree angle?

a triangle has 180 degrees total so whoever told you that is dumb maybe your thinking of a square but in that case you'd still have one more 90% angleIf you draw a triangle on a globe you can accomplish a triangle with 3 90 degree angles, have a look on Metacafe and type in "270 degree triangle, yes 3 right angles". You can watch this for your self.

What is do you call a triangle with a 90 degrees angle?

A triangle with a 90 degree angle and two acute angles is a right angle triangle.

What do you call A triangle with a 90 degrees angle?

Any triangle with a 90 degree angle is called a right triangle.

What is 270 degree appraisal method?

270 Degree is kind of performance appraisal system.. in 270 degree feedback/ review from self, Boss , and pEErs.

Why do they call a triangle a right triangle?

right angle=90 degrees and a right triangle has one side of it that forms a 90 degree for the naming "right" don't know but it refers to 90 degree angle

What type of triangle is 28 degree's 110 degree's and 42 degree's?

The 110 degree angle makes this triangle an obtuse triangle.

What do you call a triangle in which all three sides are equal?

An equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides and 3 equal 60 degree angles.

Right angle show how many degree?

270 degree

Why does a triangle have to add up to 270 degrees?

It doesn't