a division sentence is when you divide and when you divide then you put the bigger number first
The answer in a division sentence.
The numbers in a division problem are called dividend, divisor, and quotient.
a division sentence means sentence with numbers with division but don't wright a sentence
A division sentence is a number sentence. The sentence is used to express a division fact such as six divided by three equals two.
a division sentence is when you divide and when you divide then you put the bigger number first
All that's easy.The anwer to an additional prolem is a SUM
The answer to a division sentence is the quotient. Sum is addition. Difference is subtraction. Product is multiplication.
This is one sentence using the phrase 'division of labour.'
A number is always divisible by its factors.
Anwer Zahidi was born in 1946.
you can write a division sentence by writing lets say 20/2. You have to have a big number first like 20 then a division sign / then a smaller number that goes in to the numbe 20 which can be 2 then you put an equal sign = then the answer which is 10. that's how to right a division sentence.
Social class and drudgery date from the division of labor.
The Quotient