One thousand years is a millennium, from the Latin "mille" for "thousand". One hundred years is a century, from the Latin "centum" for "hundred".
term millennium
One million is one thousand thousands. Three million is then three thousand thousands.
One centomillenium.
One thousand
One thousand years is a millennium, from the Latin "mille" for "thousand". One hundred years is a century, from the Latin "centum" for "hundred".
That's called a millenium.
One thousand years is a millennium.
term millennium
No. Abraham started what we call Judaism, one thousand years before King Solomon.
seconds in one thousand years is 3.15569e10 seconds
how many years are in a millenium There are 1,000 years in a millennium (one thousand years).
It is a millennium that is equivalent to a thousand years.
The word millennia means one thousand years. It refers to a span of one thousand years or even a one thousand year anniversary. Millennium refers to the thousand years that Christ will reign on earth.
Ah, a millennium is a very special unit of time. It's not just one year or ten years, but a whole one thousand years! Just imagine all the beautiful landscapes and happy little trees that could grow and change over such a long period of time. It's truly a magical length of time to ponder.
There are a thousand years in one millennium.